What Do You Mean By Stress & Anxiety

What do you mean by stress?

The stress hormone cortisol is released when we feel threatened, scared or under pressure affecting us physically, mentally, emotionally and behaviourally.

Symptoms can include raised blood pressure, headaches, tension and muscular pain, concentration difficulties, difficulty making decisions, moodiness, irritability, exhaustion, insomnia, teeth grinding, lack of motivation, fertility issues, inability to focus, social withdrawal, disrupted menstrual cycle, disordered eating habits, loss of confidence, low self-esteem, palpitations, skin flareups, disrupted digestion and bowel movements.

I can help you to bring your physiology back into balance with nutrition or with the use of psychotherapy help you to explore and understand what is causing your stress and support you in finding coping mechanisms, closure or solutions that will help you to combat it.

What Do We Mean By Stress & Anxiety?
What Do We Mean By Stress & Anxiety?

What do you mean by anxiety?

The fight or flight response is an automatic reaction and a natural survival technique. Hormones like adrenalin are automatically released making us more alert and giving us the best chance to evade danger, when a perceived threat has gone our body automatically triggers the release of different chemicals to help counteract this and help us to relax. However, people struggling with anxiety have a disordered or overstimulated fight or flight response and habitually read fearful situations as if they are dangerous.

Anxiety can manifest in a range of ways such as increased heart rate, muscle tension, dizziness, hyperventilating, insomnia, increased bowel movements, fertility issues, disrupted menstrual cycle, disrupted digestion, and skin problems. Psychologically it can impact relationships, confidence and impinge productivity interfering with both your professional and personal life.

Experience has shown me there is an intrinsic bidirectional relationship between physical and mental health so my emphasis is on the mind and the body as opposed to just managing symptom manifestations but ultimately you choose which type of therapy would benefit you most be it nutrition or psychotherapy.

Nutritional therapy can help to identify biochemical imbalances and analyse nutrient intake, hormone levels, sleep cycles, and potentially disruptive lifestyle choices. This allows us to address anxiety associated symptoms helping you to bring your physiology back into balance. We can use psychotherapy to establish what is causing these fears? What are the root causes? What triggers these feelings of anxiety? We can explore unhelpful thinking patterns and replace them with more effective techniques for slowing down and regulating the response that causes anxiety.

Click the button to book a complimentary health review and we can explore how to best support your specific needs so that you can discover how to nourish your body and nurture your mind allowing you to thrive in a life you love.

What Do We Mean By Stress & Anxiety?

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